WalkYourPlace is a web-based tool for assessment of accessibility to urban facilities using quality of life indicators, such as the number of grocery stores, shopping and recreation facilities, and local crime. The system evaluates in real time an area that is accessible using pedestrian, cycling, and transit infrastructure.
The WalkYourPlace system has been designed and developed using free and open source software (FOSS), open standards/specifications, and open data.
A project by Ebrahim Poorazizi @ GIScience Group.
Given your location (i.e., the green marker on the map), a maximum time are willing to walk, and your average walk-speed, the system evaluates the area that is accessible using pedestrian infrastructure.
Given your location (i.e., the green marker on the map) and a maximum time are willing to bike, the system evaluates the area that is accessible using cycling infrastructure.
Given your location (i.e., the green marker on the map), a maximum time you are willing to walk to a point of interest or a transit stop, your average walk-speed, and the time you would like to start walking the system evaluates the area that is accessible using transit infrastructure.
The accessibility area cannot be generated for this area! Please try again!